Pricing & additional services

Home Inspection (includes a FHA/VA approved Pest Inspection):

Hillsborough County: $425.00
Other counties: call for pricing 

Prices are based on single family homes up to 2500 square ft. or less
For any home over 2500 square ft. or multi family – call for pricing

Radon Testing (results available in 48 hours):

With home inspection: $120.00
Without home inspection:  $125.00

All Radon tests are performed continuous monitors.

Water Quality Testing (within results in 72 hours):

Radon water tests: $50
Tests for: Radon in water

FHA/VA water test: $100
Tests for: total coliform/e. coli bacteria, nitrate, nitrite, lead

Standard water test: $125
Tests for: total coliform/e. coli bacteria, nitrate, iron, chloride, sodium, manganese, hardness, and sodium.

Comprehensive water test: $175
Tests for: total coliform/e. coli bacteria, nitrate, iron, chloride, sodium, manganese, hardness, arsenic, fluoride, copper, lead, conductivity, pH, and alkalinity.

Comprehensive and Radon test: $225
Tests for: Radon in water and comprehensive test above.

We also offer testing of: Volatile Organics (VOC’s)- approximately 60 gasoline/petroleum related compounds, including  MTBE  (gasoline additive of concern in well water).

Pest Inspection:

Without home inspection: $200

About the  pest Inspection: A visual inspection is  conducted in the readily accessible areas of the structure(s) including attics and crawlspaces which permitted entry during the inspection. The inspection includes probing and/or sounding of unobstructed and accessible areas to determine the presence or absence of visual evidence of wood destroying insects.  HomeSmart Inspections is not responsible to repair any damage or treat any infestation at the structure(s) inspected. Also, wood destroying insect infestation and/or damage may exist in concealed or inaccessible areas. HomeSmart Inspections cannot guarantee that any wood destroying insect infestation and/or damage disclosed by this inspection represents all of the wood destroying insect infestation and/or damage which may exist as of the date of the inspection.

Septic can be scheduled at the same time as the inspection – fees based on Septic Company scheduled